Straight Flush


Tune out.

Placing myself

somewhere else.

I cannot dwell


in Hell,


Playing the hand

I was dealt.

Waited a long time

for this world

to show its cards.

Made a few

bad plays.

It didn’t have to be

this hard.

Now, I am stepping out

on the game.

Take the pot

and make

a perfect getaway.

Straight flush.

Aces high.

I’m not afraid to live

and I’m

not afraid to die.

I have made my peace

with the sky.

See all you fuckers

on the other side.

Time to be alive.

Been down.

Been dead.

Allowed too many demons

to crowd my head.

Too many doubts

I could’ve drowned

in dread.

Pretty sure I almost did.

Going out

with an explosion

and a smile.

First real one I’ve worn

in quite a while.

Feels good

not to have to fit

all this shit

into such a short life.

I’m tuning out.

Taking myself

somewhere else.

I cannot dwell


in Hell, Dear.

I’ve played the hand

I was dealt.



DJR – 2022

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