Remembrance Day – 2022

Remember them.
Their service and their sacrifice. Not heroes of myth, but brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters. Fathers, grandfathers, and stretching back across the aeons of time – protectors.

Remember them.
Let us not seek the pleasure of wanton peace without knowing it is upon their lives we tread. Remember that tomorrow is not assured and that will have need for such bravery and selflessness in times to come.

Remember them.
Those still with us, and those who have passed on. A minute of silence, then a resounding roar of joy for the Blessing that such rare humans existed amongst us. Toast their memory. Tell stories of their lives. Show pictures of their faces, smiling and bright.

Remember them.
That their service may not be in vain. Take up the yoke. Help a neighbor. Shore up your health, your home, your family, and community. Let their sacrifice be a rock to build upon and not discarded.



Remember them.




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