One Holy Moment


This is the world.

Cold and desperate.

Dark and despondent.

What light do you bring to it?

This is it.

One Holy moment.

Nothing more sacred

than present time.

How are you

going to

influence the continuum?

Or will it influence you?

Will you cross the Rubicon,

move on

to something beautiful?

All you have is power.

Such a pity

you’ve been tricked

into believing

that all you are

is weak and powerless,

as hopeless

as the day.

Did you know

that you could

just reach out

and touch reality

and change it right now?

Not yesterday.

No, and not tomorrow.

You can do it,

but no one’s ever shown you how

to be one

with the continuum.

To know you have a place

right here.

A purpose in this

ever present moment.

A window

to change the world.

What light

are you going to bring

to this cold

and lonely world?

In what ways

could you change




HG – 2022

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