Dearly Departed


I see your pictures

and even though

you’re a few years gone,

it feels like yesterday

since you were playing your songs.

Part of me wants

you to be here

with me,

but I wouldn’t wish

this kind of shit

on my enemies.


You had a hard time

before things got hard

like this.

I’m not sure

that you could endure

this current crisis.

Maybe it’s better

that you’re not here,

having to figure out

every little idea.


Or, maybe

you would still be

in your prime.

Maybe you would have

found a way to survive.

I think I ought to leave

the living up to me,

while I am still here

to breathe.


Putting all of this

on the shoulders of the dead

doesn’t seem like how

I should remember a friend.

I guess I have to be strong

since you’re not here to be,

and I can take some strength

from your memory,

’cause one day

a memory

is all I’ll leave.


I hope to God

that I can be strong

for those after me.

Rest easy,

old friend.

Don’t worry about anything.



HG – 2022

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