

Mother, Father,

let me ask you

if you have seen my brother?

Sent him off to seek his fortune,

for to live and die in battle.


Mother, Father,

Did you blame him

for the sins of all our people?

Kindly cut and chastise him

for the crimes that you committed?


Mother, Father,

can you blame him

if he wanders to the shadow?

Your light is sick with contradictions

and blinds all who attempt to follow.


If I look

I might still find him,

lost and broken

in a stairwell.

Now, he’s married

to a needle

and all his offspring

are stillborn.


Mother, Father,

I have questions.

I must ask after my sister.

you told me she

was given freedom,

wing to fly and touch the sunset.


Mother, Father,

has she told you

of her time amongst the eagles?

How the corvids and their murder

plucked every one of her feathers?


Mother, Father,

did you love her

enough to try to prepare her

for the world and all its sorrows,

so she might not fall prey to vultures?


I know

that I have seen her

walking along beside the water.

All alone

and lost to using

her very life

a lone injection.


Mother, Father,

can you hear us?

We survived the plague and sorrow,

now we are bent with our confusion

and too weak to stand our ground.


Mother, Father,

can you see us

nodding off into the darkness?

Our pupils dilate,

but no light gets in.

Our hearts grow cold




HG – 2022

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