

Angry clouds,

sullen skies.

Imagining that I’m

another space and time.


Lost again,


the meaning of it all,

the life in everything.


Missed a turn,

lost the game.

Learned another lesson

and forgot my name.


It’s such a shame

these days,

we have so much information,

but don’t trust the questions,

begging for an intervention.


I’m amazed

at where we are

these days.

We know

the consequences,

but we act anyway.

In bad faith,

to betray




My mind lingers

on the darkness

on a dreary day.

There’s no escape,

but I’m okay.

It’s been a little while

since I could smile

at all this disarray.


A cup of coffee

and the rain

on the window pane.

A person

could go insane

trying to make

this world

make sense again.


Not who I am.

Not why I’m here.

I’m just looking

at the clouds


why the sun

has disappeared.



HG – 2021

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