Fate Loves a Fool


What have you made of me,


Reaching back and forth

through my memory,

take a glance at who I could have been,

who I am now.

What happened to possibility?


I brace myself,

here comes another patch

of crippling doubt.

Where the place that I once stood,

falls away,

all around,

and I am left here,

floating in the void,

just trying to enjoy

this sweet moment of self torment.


What am I to do,

but to endure

my own attempts at self-destruction?

Fortune favors the bold,

and fate loves a fool,

but I’m still missing something.


Tragedy is not an interlude.

I know I am still

a child in my memory,

that looks towards the future

without fear,

and lets the doubt go.

It’s all upwards from here.


Stepping off this runaway train,

I don’t need

to go where this one leads.

I’ve already been there,

and it’s not where

I’m headed.



HG – 2020

One thought on “Fate Loves a Fool

  1. Actually I think that is exactly what we are meant to do HG. Move forwards, not be fearful, and do good things in our future. Today our virtual sermon was on this very thing and God does not want us to focus on our mistakes but to forgive ourselves and to move forward. I think you are doing a good thing and I am not preaching at you but just sharing that we forgive ourselves and others and keep moving.
    Have a blessed new year my friend. Love ❤️ Joni

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