Catch my Breath


Give me a moment.

I just need

to sort through these

ideas in my head

and see

the truth in them.

The forest for the trees.

I am more than I seem,

but ultimately,

less than I ought to be.


Suffer in silence.

Awake in the empty hours,

mourning the violence,

missing the intimate

touch of destruction.

Waving good-bye

to the lie

I believed

was my life.


I just need a moment

to catch my breath.

Let my mind

catch up to itself.

It’s been a long road,

and I see so much more.

I just hope

that I have it in me.


Shouldn’t this be easy

by now?

Shouldn’t I have figured

all of this out?

Shouldn’t this burden

have become

as light as a feather

by now?

Seems like there’s so much left

to work out.


Lost in the moment.

I think I’ll be okay.

Enough distraction.

I’ve got a long way

to go by tomorrow,

so I best move on.


to the world

that was.

This is my moment.



HG – 2020

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