Charm The Fiend

Never more terrified

than when my heart leaps

and sends that shiver through my bones.

Awakening in me

that old enemy of mine;

the mirror monster

she frees with laughter.


I know she carves

that smile extra deep for me

and sings

to draw me up from the underground

and I shake

with the strain

confining the thing that kills me every time.


Love is a many bladed weapon

and lust a noose of silken knots.

Her hair falls about her shoulders,

her perfume smells of senses lost.


I am no redeemer,

I am consumption,

I am vanity.

Defiled and twisted with rejection,

like a heart

in a body

that seeks only death.


Maybe it’s her touch that will cure me?


that only makes it worse.

Identity ground down;


I am become one

with my inner catastrophe.


Only her body can abate me.

Only her hair in my face

can charm the fiend.

Only her legs wrapped around me

can intervene between

this monster and me.


When she cries out

the beast, it cries out also.

Then, for a moment

it is succored

and it rests.

She is quick

with her pistol

to release me

from the grip of life.


She lays me back down

deep under the crossroads.

She buries me

back where I belong.

My seductress,



sings goodbye with a song.


Enemy of mine

sleep in darkness

ever slumber.

Only awakened by her calling

to know hunger.


HG – 2017

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